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Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. Consider it my virtual book-lair where I talk about the books I read, and invite you to join me in that converstation. Feel free to browse around!
Recent uploads

Q3 Wrap-up 2024: the highlights of summer.
I vividly remember my final read of Q2, as I rushed to push it into my mid-year-wrap up as one of my favourites only a day after...

The Fiction Fox

Q1 Wrap-up 2024: the highlights out of 37 books read
The first three months of 2024 are already behind us, and I’m happy to report that I’ve had an incredible time reading-wise. In fact,...

The Fiction Fox

Orilium Readathon Autumn '23 - Wrap-up
August has come to an end and with that, so has the second part of the Orilium Readathon. I managed to complete every prompt I set out to...

The Fiction Fox

Magical Readathon Orilium: Autumn '23 Equinox TBR
Returning readers will need no introduction to this readathon, as I’ve participated in it since its birth years back. Bookroasts G’s...
The Fiction Fox

Mid-Year Check-In 2023
With the start of July, we’ve made it halfway through 2023, which means it’s time for a mid-year check-in. Where in previous years I’ve...
The Fiction Fox

Orilium Readathon: Wrap-up, aka being an accidental overachiever…
At the start of April I shared my TBR for the Magical Readathon in which I mentioned my goal of completing 12 books to fit the prompts...
The Fiction Fox
January 2021 Wrap-Up
2021 is off to quite a good start reading-wise, with 11 books read in the month of January. One of my goals of the year was to upload my...
The Fiction Fox

August 2020 Wrap-Up
The month of August was a busy one, both in terms of work and personal life, so my reading slowed down a bit as a result. Nonetheless I...
The Fiction Fox

July 2020 Wrap-Up
To describe the past 2-3 month as “eventful” would be quite the understatement. That’s why this wrap-up has been such a long time coming....
The Fiction Fox

June 2020 Wrap-Up
Junes wrap-up was a bit of a disappointment, even when I was writing it. although I have 8 books to talk about and quite some high...
The Fiction Fox

A Lengthy May Wrap-up
To start off this wrap-up, I wanted to give a small personal update for some context. If you’re just here for the booktalk, please feel...
The Fiction Fox

April Wrap-up pt.2
Welcome to part two of my April Wrap-Up, in which I’ll discuss the 6 books I read outside of the O.W.L.s Magical Readathon, as well as my...
The Fiction Fox

O.W.L.s Wrap Up 2020
With everything going on in the world right now, I had no idea how the month of April would turn out. I mentioned in my TBR post that I...
The Fiction Fox

February Wrap-up
Where I discuss all the books I read in the month of February 2020.
The Fiction Fox

A (belated) January Wrap Up
Let’s be honest: the start of 2020 has been a hot mess in regards to my reading and this blog. We’re halfway through February and I still...
The Fiction Fox

December Wrap-up
After the overflow of yearly wrap-ups, Decembers wrap-up always seems to get lost in the bunch somewhere. I hesitated to even post one,...
The Fiction Fox

November Wrap-Up
Where I talk about all the books I've read in November 2019.
The Fiction Fox

October Wrap-up
Where I talk about all the books I've read in the month of October.
The Fiction Fox

September Wrap-up
I know: I’ve been absent for a little while again… Despite my best efforts, I was finding myself in an overall slump over the past six or...
The Fiction Fox

July Wrap-Up
Where I wrap-up all the books I read in the month of July
The Fiction Fox
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