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Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. Consider it my virtual book-lair where I talk about the books I read, and invite you to join me in that converstation. Feel free to browse around!
Recent uploads

Review: Moving Mountains: Writing Nature through Illness and Disability - Louise Kenward
Genre: Disability Non-fiction/Memoir, Anthology Published: Footnote Press, October 2023 My Rating: 2/5 stars "It's reminded me of the...
The Fiction Fox

Review: Handicap: een bevrijding - Anaïs van Ertvelde
Genre: Non-fiction, disability Published: De Bezige Bij, january 2024 My Rating: 5/5 stars English follows Dutch. Zonder overdrijven kan...
The Fiction Fox

Review: Orbital - Samantha Harvey
Genre: Literary Fiction Published: Jonathan Cape & RB Media, December 2023 My Rating: 4/5 stars Synopsis: A snapshot of one day in the...
The Fiction Fox

Review: It's OK That You're Not OK - Megan Devine
Genre: Non-fiction, grief Published: Sounds True, October 2017 My Rating: 4.5/5 stars “For those who are living the stuff of other...
The Fiction Fox

A Children's Atlas review and a small update...
Small Update Dear friends, Today, I bring you a short-form childrens non-fiction review, as well as a little update. You will not yet...
The Fiction Fox

Review: In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado
Genre: Personal Memoir Published: Graywolf Press, November 2019 My Rating: 5/5 stars “Putting language to something for which you have no...
The Fiction Fox

Review: Everything Happens For a Reason - Kate Bowler
Genre: Non-fiction/Biography, Cancer memoirs Published: Random House, February 2018 No Star-rating given “God, I am walking to the edge...
The Fiction Fox

Review: Brain on Fire - Susannah Cahalan
Genre: Non Fiction/Memoir Published: Free Press, November 2012 My Rating: 3.5/5 stars In spring 2009, Susannah Cahalans life gets flipped...
The Fiction Fox

Review: Dead Mountain: the untold story of the Dyatlov Pass - Donnie Eichar
Genre: Non fiction, investigative journalism Published: Chronical Books, October 2013 My rating: 4/5 stars In February of 1959, a group...
The Fiction Fox

Review: When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi
Genre: Non-fiction Published: Randomhouse, january 2016 My Rating: 5/5 stars All-time favorite “You can’t ever reach perfection, but you...
The Fiction Fox
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